Content Marketing

Community Generated Content – Yay or Nay?

The Content Marketing Institute wrote an interesting post explaining ways to include your community into the content creation process.

image via hvsepc


They explain:

“But just because we can do it all on our own, does that mean we should? The truth is, our brand belongs to our community as much as it belongs to us, if not more so. That identity is not a decree that gets passed down; it is shared and, more to the point, it is co-created. While we shape and communicate it, they are out there living it.

Simply put, if our brand is a story, our community members are the co-authors. Their investment in our brand is a potent commodity to tap into. Finding ways to leverage that investment is powerful — the authenticity of their external perspective can bring tremendous value to our content marketing efforts. To that end, here are a few ways to integrate our community members into the content creation process.”

Do you agree? We’re big believers that everything that happens in your life is an opportunity to create content – but does it need to be  much bigger than that?

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