How To Create A Triple-Threat Content Strategy With Twitter, Tumblr, and Your Content

Any brand with a decent digital strategy is currently interacting with readers on a couple different digital platforms.

But while certain updates, like newsletters, work independently, there are other platforms that work beautifully in tandem. Instead of updating these accounts in isolation, each interaction helps grow the other ones.

Our favorite platform partnership is the Twitter-Tumblr-Content approach. Because the three mediums vary in formality and length, they bounce off each other quite well.

Here’s how to use the three platforms together — and to make sparks fly.

Getting Started

While you want your content, Tumblr, and Twitter to share your brand’s vision, it is important that each platform has a separate style and voice, and aims for distinctly different goals. Vanity Fair does a great job juggling these three, so check out the images for a more visual walkthrough.

Your content should feature your best content and should stick to fresh, original, magazine quality posts. The length of the content posts can vary based on the subject at hand.

Vanity Fair’s articles are long, in-depth, and well researched. Therefore, they use shorter-form platforms to highlight quotes, theses, and other interesting tidbits.


Your Tumblr, on the other hand, is your casual content. Here you can be more off the cuff and visual. Try responding to news, interacting with the Tumblr community, and/or summarizing something you believe your readers should know but is already written.

Here’s a example post from the Vanity Fair Tumblr that is highlighting the story from above. Here, the staff chose to include the story’s clever illustration, and a brief thesis with a link. They also do posts with quotes, vintage photographs, and other bits of pop culture.


Your Twitter should be the combining force that narrates your brand’s content strategy. Your goal here is to keep one voice, while mixing in both the Tumblr and blog links. This is your most outward method in which to interact with readers, so keep a look out for interaction and responses.

Vanity Fair uses its Twitter to maximize the buzz surrounding its magazine’s contents. By integrating Tumblr and regular site links, their interactions feel less forced, and more natural.


Getting Strategic

Though we can’t really tell you what to write about, we can tell you some good tips on how. Here are more integration tips, with useful links, that will help you amp your strategy on each platform.


  • Respond to blog posts
  • Use quotes from the blog posts
  • React to things on Twitter
  • Integrate useful inbound links


  • Tweet your feature stories a few times. Try an initial breaking story, a quote, and a longer or shorter heading.
  • Tweet an “in case you missed this” later in the week.
  • Mention any other brands that your content referred to, so they can share it if they please.

Original Content:

  • Embed a feed of your Tumblr onto your blog, but make sure readers recognize that it is a separate entity.
  • Same for Twitter. If you don’t know how to do these things, improve your design skills.
  • Otherwise, keep it clean. Inbound links shouldn’t typically refer to your more casual posts, unless they are particularly sparkling.

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