Content Marketing
Content at Edelman, Content Curation Tips, CopyBlogger’s Site Senor
The Strategist picks the day’s most relevant and interesting stories about the world of content from around the web. Here’s what you should be reading today:
Content at Edelman
PR firm Edelman has created a new content arm of its business and hired an executive to run it, according to the New York Times.

Agency chief content strategist, Steve Rubel, who was executive vice president for global strategy and insights at the company, will “be responsible for efforts to maximize the benefits of content appearing in various forms of media — paid, earned, owned and shared — on behalf of clients.”
Edelman has already been working on content marketing campaigns, most notably a sponsored article on BuzzFeed.
Content Curation Tips
Content Marketing Institute offers content curation tips from brands. FedEx curated content for its Brown Bailout campaign.
The shipping company posted stories from The Washington Times and The National Review “that agreed with its perspective, which ultimately added more credibility to its position.”
Intel crowdsourced content for iQ, its digital magazine, which made the campaign seem “more inclusive, participatory, and yield better, more interesting products.”
CopyBlogger’s New Web Monitoring Program
CopyBlogger’s Brian Clark writes about his website’s new program, Site Sensor, which detects when servers are down, email servers aren’t functioning properly, and the payment processor stops working.
The service also checks that the RSS is up and running, if anyone blocked search engines from indexing the site, and offers an optional phone call for when the site is down. Copy Blogger is charging $2 per month for the service, which was just announced this week.
1.5 Billion People Watching Online Video
ClickZ reports that by 2016, 1.5 billion people will have watched at least one video online.
The study, by online video technology company Ooyala, also found that throughout quarter four of 2012, viewership of branded content videos increased 91 percent. During the holiday season, streaming video viewership peaked on tablets: On Christmas Day, it grew a whopping 73 percent.
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