With an emphasis on community and consistency, Contently has mastered the art of building a loyal and connected audience.
Lazauskas highlights how structuring content for your audience’s routines can help stave off digital fatigue.
Contently was ranked #1 in the grid 4 times in a row thanks to its overwhelmingly strong customer satisfaction scores.
Learn how to use personalization and segmentation to deliver content that reflects what readers, viewers, or listeners want, when they want it.
Joe Lazauskas discusses the 6 habits of leaders
who are great communicators with John Eades of LearnLoft.
In 2019 the question should no longer be whether your brand creates content but how to make your content better. “No one questions a brand’s need for a website—content should be non-negotiable too,” Shawna Dennis, marketing VP at MD Financial, said onstage at the 2019 Contently Summit: Masters of Content.
Contently’s Masters of Content event has an agenda full of educational programs and opportunities. The summit will take place in the heart of Times Square at the PlayStation Theater on March 20, Contently is building a “content university,” complete with a dining hall, library, book store, and an academic surprise after programming.
With all the hype in marketing, some topics get way too much attention, while other — in some cases, more important — topics languish because they’re not as sexy or too hard to deal with or feel overwhelming. What topic or trend do you think is overhyped at the expense of a related, more important topic or trend? What is it, and why should marketers start focusing on it?