Content Sutra Ep. 9: Why Brand Editors Matter
In the mad scramble to create a content strategy and prove ROI, marketers can forget something very important: Craft matters. A lot.
All too often, brands come up with a solid content plan and then point to a career marketer in the corner of the room and say, “You’re the content guy now”—with no regard for the fact that editing is a highly specialized skill that most people can’t just pick up on the fly. Or maybe these brands talk about becoming storytellers, but wind up regurgitating the same generic listicles that clog our feeds the way fast food clogs arteries.
This week’s podcast is about why brands looking to tell great stories have to hire people who are obsessed with their craft. After Contently co-founder Shane Snow and I dive into the topic, we bring on Jay Acunzo, whose new podcast for content creators, Unthinkable, has been taking the marketing world by storm.
Listen below, and download all of the other episodes on iTunes.
1:30: The story of Ryan Gosling being raised by Justin Timberlake launches us into a discussion about the biggest storytelling mistakes brands make.
22:32: A recap of Contently’s biggest April Fools’ jokes, featuring doctored bank statements and ads for goats.
29:38: Jay Acunzo joins us to talk about why craft matters in content marketing and why many brands sabotage their chance at success.
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