IKEA Goes Viral By Helping You ‘Figure Out How to Use Your Junk’

IKEA Singapore and Kindling Digital won over the Internet last year by parodying Apple’s product announcements with their own promotion of the 2015 IKEA catalogue, a.k.a. bookbook.

“It’s not a digital book or an e-book,” said IKEA’s Chief Design Guru Jörgen Eghammer.“It’s a bookbook.” You can actually feel the pages move as you swipe!

Now the team behind that viral content marketing campaign is back with a new video titled “Improve Your Private Life.” IKEA even let Apple off the hook this time, instead parodying self-help programs with Shelf Help Guru Fille Güte, who helps one unhappy couple find happiness by organizing their private lives.

The tongue-in-cheek comedy kicks off in the bedroom when the woman tells her man, “I just wish you knew what to do with your junk,” as the camera pans down to his crotch, with his clothes and papers strewn about around him. Over in the bathroom, the man steps on a sharp toy and screams “Frack!” at which point the IKEA FRÄCK mirror pops up, along with other suggested improvements for organizing the room with IKEA products. “Always believe in your shelf,” Güte advises at the end, inviting viewers to visit an accompanying interactive website, featuring Güte’s tips, and images of well-organized bedrooms and bathrooms filled with IKEA furniture.

While the new “shelf help” setup is certainly entertaining, will it be engaging enough to drive the 16 million views that the bookbook generated last year? If not, there’s always the $10,000 Apple Watch, which is just begging to be parodied. But we’re guessing IKEA is saving that for next.


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