CONTENT WATCH: The rogue Taco Bell shell-licker, and more
The Strategist picks the day’s most interesting stories for the content aficionado who loves the backstory and reading between the lines. Here are a handful of headlines to kickstart your Tuesday:
Taco Bell Employee Licks Taco Shells, Causes Social Media Nightmare (Mashable)
Fast food giant Taco Bell is dealing with some bad news — a photo of an employee who licked some taco shells and then tweeted a photo of it. The issue has sparked a full-scale investigation to ensure that these shells weren’t actually sold (yes, really) and further underscores that large businesses face a tough time keeping tabs on what their employees share online.
The Micropublishing Explosion Has Begun (PandoDaily)
These days, anyone can create a beautiful magazine — literally. Thanks to top-notch tools in desktop and mobile media, publishers of all shapes and sizes can help authors, brands, and hobbyists create great content experiences. Here are six companies that are leading the charge.
6 Lessons in Creativity from James Cameron (FastCompany)
Surround yourself with creativity, be merciless on yourself, take plenty of alone time, and always be prepared for inspiration to strike. Film legend James Cameron shares the core life lessons that have propelled him forward.
Chris Dixon on Why Big Companies Are Scared of Mobile (Inc)
Mobile apps continue to grow by leaps and bounds, but here serial entrepreneur Chris Dixon points out why large companies are still hesitant to jump into the marketplace — high commissions to app stores, consumers’ expectations of low prices, and discovery powered by top-download charts that make it tough for new apps to break through.
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