Content Marketing

Health Care Content, Facebook Weather, Storytelling Strategies

The Strategist picks the day’s most interesting stories for the content aficionados who love the backstory and reading between the lines. Here are the gems you need to kickstart your Friday.

Personalizing Health Online: Where Can You Go for Medical Information that Matches You? (GigaOm)

Americans rely on the Internet to self-direct their healthcare. The problem with online resources, however, is that there’s a huge disconnect with personalized experiences.

The human body is a complex thing, and your unique health history is a key influencer in the validity of what you’re researching online. That’s why HealthTap has created a robust content tagging framework. The moral of the story? Personalization is highly actionable.

Facebook Adds Weather Forecasts to Events and Public Places to Show Useful Info Where People Need It (Techcrunch)
As smart people say, it’s the simple decisions that oftentimes yield the most profound results.

To this end, Facebook has taken yet another step in positioning itself as a powerful event management tool. Its secret weapon? Integration of weather data.

8 Ways to Execute Your Brand’s Story Online (Mashable)
Amazing stories are essential to virtually all multimedia platforms. Think about it — what do your favorite books, blog posts, movies, and television shoes have in common? Compelling narratives.

To tell an amazing story, you need to rise above the status quo, provide a back-stage tour, and explore a range of interactive solutions. Most importantly, it’s integral that you tell your story from where it counts — your heart.

Meet the Most Suspect Publishers on the Web (Ad Week)
Ghost sites. We all know them. They’re the sites with unusually high traffic numbers but surprisingly low human presence.

And yet, advertisers pay a lot of money for exposure through these channels. What’s up with that?

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