
Chase Launches Interactive TV Series, Makes Bet on Branded Content

Looks like branded content isn’t just a tactic for Internet marketers anymore; Chase is launching a TV series called “Around the World in 80 Plates, presented by Chase Sapphire Preferred.” The show, which will air on Bravo in May, aims to find “opportunities for consumer engagement,” the NY Times reports.

Branded content on TV has definitely backfired before – remember Geico’s “Caveman” series? Chase’s approach sounds creative and on target with its audience, though — the company hopes to appeal to its card member’s “passions,” food and travel.

Plus, there has been a lot of talk about interactive television and its potential. Ashley Swartz, senior VP-ITV practice lead at Digitas, for example, recent told Advertising Age, ““TV is the next great disruptor, which is a paradox, as advertisers look at it as their anchor.”

Does your content fit these objectives? It’s clear that the show will be bolstered by some sort of social media strategy, because Chase’s Preferred card only has some digital copy on their website — unlike its Chase Sapphire Card, which has a lively Facebook page and video stream. But will TV be that “anchor” that traditional marketers are looking for? And will this type of branding really make a difference on the bottom line?

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