Infographic: How to Build a Loyal Audience for Your Company’s Content
Lately, I’ve been talking about why brands need to build loyal, owned audiences for their content so much that I feel like I’m turning into my mother, if my mother was obsessed with content marketing instead of skin cancer and mercury poisoning.
And just as my mom is never going to stop nagging me about using 50 SPF sunscreen, I’m not going to stop talking about why building an audience is so damn important. But today, I will talk about it with pictures since, lucky for us, the Quick Sprout blog has shared an excellent infographic on how to build a loyal audience.
What you’ll learn:
— Why email, not Facebook, is the key to building an audience.
— The reasons all readers and all clicks are not created equally.
— How Richard Marriott started building the hotel brand’s content empire.
— Why A/B testing is the key to earning loyal readers.
— What Elon Musk looks like in shark-themed lingerie.
Okay, that last one isn’t included. But there are tips about influencers, and Elon Musk is definitely an influencer, even if he doesn’t wear shark-themed lingerie.
Check it out below!
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