The Strategist picks the day’s most interesting stories for the content aficionados who love the backstory and reading between the lines. Here are the gems you need to kickstart your Tuesday:
The Truth About Reddit (AdAge)
Is Reddit a part of your content strategy? Here’s why you can’t ignore this platform.

Reddit’s foundational to mainstream media, highly engaging, and extremely human.
This Ad Has a Secret Anti-Abuse Message that Only Kids Can See (Gizmodo)
Spanish organization Aid to Children and Adolescents at Risk Foundation (ANAR) has created a safe and secret way for abused children to seek out help.
An adult looking at the ad sees an image of a sad child, but anyone shorter than four feet, five inches tall sees a bruised face with a helpline number. The ad’s goal is to empower kids, especially if they’re with their abusers.
Want a Job at Gawker Media? You Can Get a Head Start by Being a Regular Commenter (PaidContent)
Want to find awesome team members? Look for job applicants who are passionate about your company’s content.
It’s one of the most powerful ways to add value to your company’s community. But don’t forget about the lurkers – they’re awesome too.’s New CEO on How to Stay Relevant (Techcrunch) has 84 million unique visitors each month, but the website is rarely in the media’s public eye.
It’s about time that the company underwent some change – and with direction from the company’s CEO Neil Vogel, they will. The company’s key objectives? User experience, mobile, and social.