Content Marketing
Slick Content, Data-Driven Content, Boom in Subscriptions
The Strategist picks the day’s most interesting stories for the content aficionados who love the backstory and reading between the lines. Here are the gems you need to kickstart your Thursday.
To Build Brand, Companies Produce Slick Content and Their Own Media (Washington Post)
Contently’s very own Shane Snow breaks down exactly what brands need to succeed in today’s digital age. If you’re beating your prospects over the head with advertising imagery, you might actually end up producing the opposite effect — banner blindness.
The more that something looks like an ad, the more likely that a person is to ignore it. Shane Snow makes the bottom line clear: consumers don’t care who made the content as long as it’s awesome. So make your content awesome.
The Marketer’s Go-To Guide for Creating Data-Based Content (HubSpot)
Brand marketers are well-aware of the value of analytics — but what’s the best way to transcribe your ideas into reality?
Your best answer is what’s already happening in the social media world. With the rise of social media has come the rise of widely available social tools. HubSpot has put together a big list of some resources to help get your data strategy started. Is your company using any of these?
Understanding the New Boom in Subscriptions (All Things D)
It’s hard to believe that the subscription model is already centuries old — but it’s no surprise that this same successful template is taking off online.
Without a doubt, your customers are craving a daily media dose. So be there for them with content they’ll love!
4 Things You Need to be Doing on Social Media (Entrepreneur)
Social media needs to be a core component of your online media strategy.
If you haven’t jumped in, you definitely should. You need more than a Facebook account, however, to gain significant traction.
Top ideas: engage with followers, crowdsource ideas, watch the competition, and be an industry expert.
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