Content Marketing
Web Privacy Musts, Where to Eat at SXSW, Marketing Higher Ed
The Strategist picks the day’s most interesting stories for the content aficionados who love the backstory and reading between the lines. Here are the gems you need to kickstart your Monday:
Web Privacy Becomes a Business Imperative (NY Times)
Reporter Somini Sengupta explains a key component of online privacy.

To build trust with your prospects and customers you need to (1) talk the talk and (2) walk the walk. In other words, it’s in your company’s best interest to vocalize your data privacy priorities. Companies need to do more than follow rules and regulations — they need to take that extra step in proving their best intents.
And guess how you’re going to do it? Graceful, down-to-earth, and genuine content, of course.
SXSW 2013: Where to Eat and Drink (WSJ)
Psyched about SXSW 2013?
You’ve probably been busy picking sessions, planning meetups, and packing up your conference-best. Keep in mind though, that there’s something just as important as what you’re going to learn and who you’re going to meet — where you eat.
Not sure that you’ll have time to ask around for recommendations and filter through Yelp reviews? Luckily, WSJ reporter Rubina Madan Fillion has crowdsourced the brain-work for everyone.
Here’s where your fellow digital media lovers will be eating in Austin next week. You’re welcome, taste buds.
Content Marketing Ideas for Higher Ed (Content Marketing Institute)
Colleges have marketing agendas too. Everybody’s competing to recruit from a limited pool of top students, so what’s the best way to stand out?
Content, content, and more content.
Now more than ever, colleges and universities need a solid digital marketing strategy. Universities should take a lesson from branded communities like American Express OPEN and ModCloth — showcase alumni (your customers), create niche content hubs (segment your audience), and woo new applicants (your prospects).
Image courtesy of nickdawg2000/flickr
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