Under Armour Puts Some Muscle Behind Its Content [VIDEO]
Under Armour has launched a full-on branded content campaign targeted at women.
The “Sweat Every Day” campaign includes the “What’s Beautiful” site with videos of women talking about their exercise routines. As reported by AdWeek’s Christopher Heine, the brand usually gears its efforts towards its male customers.
The campaign tagline: “No Matter What, Sweat Every Day. I WILL.” will be on TV commercials and ads airing on VH1, Nickelodeon, Bravo, and E!, and its internet ads are running on Twitter, Hulu,, Facebook, and, a women’s website.
Adrienne Lofton Shaw, senior director of women’s marketing at Under Amour, told Heine, “The program as a whole is social by design and built to engage our audience.”
One of the reasons the brand is focusing on women now is that they account for roughly 30 percent of Under Armour’s sales, Shaw told The Baltimore Sun.
The “Sweat Every Day” campaign includes a Twitter account designed to motivate athletes, similar to that of Nike. Both brands try to motivate fans and each emphasize action in their slogans.
For both brands, it seems to have paid off. Right now, the Under Armour Twitter has 23,235 followers, and its YouTube views on the “What’s Beautiful” videos are at over 100,000.
In terms of the video spots, as long as the stories of these women resonate with consumers, they’ll be a hit.
As Jon Thomas of Post Advertising says, “Consumers may not have 30 seconds for an ad, but they do have 30 minutes for a great story.”
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