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Microsoft Split From Divides Content Aims, a joint news outlet started by Microsoft and NBC in 1996, is now owned by Comcast Corp. and NBC. The split, announced Monday, will allow both NBC and Microsoft to keep the news reporting and content they provide in line with their separate ventures.
While NBC is taking the opportunity to match the website’s content with that of the television channel, Microsoft is going to focus on its Bing news efforts, according to Bloomberg Businessweek’s Alex Sherman and Dina Bass. will, for now, take users to, until a new site is established in 2013.
NBC News Digital will now include,,, and, according to the Hollywood Reporter. MSNBC’s entities, aside from its main site, are,,,, and
NBC News President Steve Capus told Businessweek that his company wants the new website to be aligned with what people are viewing on their televisions.
“Cable deserves its own dedicated home online, and we’d like there to be brand alignment with the name,” he said. “This is going to clear up the brand confusion that does exist.”
Vivian Schiller, who will lead NBC News Digital, told the Hollywood Reporter that the shift will allow for a digital integration into all of its different projects.
“Through this new structure, we’ll grow by engaging users with our content directly, and on every platform. This is a different model from the rest, and given where the future of online news is trending, we see it as a model with staying power.”
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