How to Write LinkedIn Company Page Articles, and Why It’s a Pretty Big Deal
When I went to post my LinkedIn newsletter this week, I was treated to a surprise: LinkedIn asked if I wanted to publish the article as myself or as Contently.
Immediately, I knew I had to change course and write about this new feature. Now, you might be saying, “Joe, you weird little content nerd, why are you so excited about this?” And listen, I get it. It may not seem like a big deal … but it’s a big deal.
LinkedIn Pulse—a native article publishing feature—has long been the best way to engage people with longform thought leadership on the platform. But until now, you’ve only been able to publish them from your personal account.
I didn’t see an official announcement from LinkedIn, but based on a straw poll of marketing friends, it appears to be available to a lot of admins of LinkedIn company pages. As long as you have admin privileges, just click the “Write article” icon at the top of your feed, and it’ll give you the option of publishing from your company page.
Then you compose the article like you would any other LinkedIn Pulse post, press publish, share it from your company page, and—voila!—you’re done.
Here are a few reasons you should care about this update.
1. The ability to tell thought leadership stories natively on the platform
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about social media: Content that lives natively on a platform always perform best, and “link posts” that point people to another site perform worst.
Yes, you can publish the article from your own personal account, but that only works if you’re the one who wrote it. So it was difficult to reach people with thought leadership across your organization—not to mention you risked annoying marketers and entrepreneurs who followed your company page.
Many B2B content marketers had asked me when company pages would be able to post articles, and I’ve interrogated LinkedIn employees about when this feature was coming on at least three separate occasions. (Which is what happens when you get a couple margaritas in me at Content Marketing World).
But now, you can easily republish thought leadership from your company content hub on your LinkedIn company page, like we did here with a great analysis from our intern Jolie Giacona about how B2B brands can use TikTok.
2. Increased reach, since LinkedIn articles tend to do super well.
My LinkedIn newsletter, which runs on Pulse, typically reaches 30-40K people every week. But even before I built up my newsletter audience, I’d get 500+ bonus views when I reposted articles on LinkedIn Pulse. Not bad for five minutes of work.
Strangely, LinkedIn isn’t showing how many views our first company page article has, but there are already more likes and comments than our average post. I’ll take it! Plus, in my experience, reposting content on LinkedIn has had little to no SEO downside. Google seems to acknowledge that the version on your site was the original, and doesn’t knock you for having duplicate content on a social network.
For what it’s worth, I still recommend publishing a version on your blog or content hub before you publish to your company page. It’s never a great idea to build your home on rented land. Just think of it as an opportunity to show off your digs to people who wouldn’t see it otherwise.
3. First-mover advantage
Whenever a cool new feature comes out, there’s usually a first-mover advantage. We saw this when LinkedIn first rolled out LinkedIn Pulse to select business influencers, who quickly amassed hundreds of thousands of followers, and when they rolled out their newsletter pilot last year. (See this newsletter, with nearly 100,000 subscribers, as one example.) Be an early adopter, and you’ll reap the rewards. After all, social networks tend to give extra algorithm love to new features so they can increase drive adoption.
So what are you waiting for? If you’re an admin of a company page, try it out, and let me know how it goes in the comments.
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