Infographic: Why Marketers Are Creating Too Many Blog Posts
If most of your content marketing is hidden at the top of your website behind the word “blog,” you’re not alone. But it’s time to start thinking past the blog post and creating the kind of content that’s more likely to attract an audience.
A new infographic from HubSpot reveals that 60 percent of marketers focus their efforts on blog content, but only 29 percent of consumers will likely read those blog posts thoroughly. What’s the disconnect? Perhaps certain articles encourage skimming, while social media posts and digital video are more engaging because of their visual components.
As part of itsĀ “2016 State of Inbound” report, HubSpot found that conversions and SEO were top priorities for a majority of marketers. But how they approach those priorities may need to evolve, according to the report, since only 33 percent of marketers are focusing on creating visual content.
As you start preparing your 2017 strategy, take a look at the full infographic below to learn more about today’s trends and why it might be time to take a more nuanced approach to your content.
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