
Why Infographics Are Great for Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]

How meta: An infographic on infographics!

Neo Mammalian Studios has produced this infographic on how they are great marketing tools for businesses.

It’s full of fascinating facts. For example, it states that on average, a person is exposed to the equivalent of 174 newspapers filled with information daily, and that “99 percent of all sensory information is filtered out by the brain almost immediately.”

Infographics, apparently, help information get into that one percent that sticks.

According to Neo Mammalian, in a little more than two years, infographic search volumes on Google have increased by over 800 percent, and “publishers who use infographics grow in traffic an average of 12 percent more than those who don’t.”

On Twitter, in one week, the company found that there were 87,000 tweets about infographics.

As the Whole Brain Group points out, infographics also demonstrate thought-leadership by “highlight[ing] your grasp of key industry concepts, ideas and trends.” They also make information accessible: “A customer that may be off-put by a long article or block of text can quickly and clearly access the same information when it is put into an infographic.”

Before making an infographic, a brand should figure out what it’s trying to accomplish, says Social Media Today’s Harrison Kratz. “If the infographic is for branding purposes, maybe you can design something around how your product is manufactured or service delivered; if it’s SEO-driven, you could more closely target a list of related website by putting together an infographic they would likely share with their audience; if it’s simply for more traffic, you look for a subject that will resonate across the social media space to inspire more sharing on multiple platforms. The thing is, you first need to decide what you’re pursuing.”

The subject of the infographic, he says, should be timely, and it should focus on something that people would be interested in sharing, and it should tell a story, just like any solid content marketing campaign.

Kratz writes, “Think of your infographic as a story you’re trying to tell at a party to your friends. Keep it interesting, keep a rhythm and, as a rule of thumb, keep it short.”

Image courtesy of Cienpies Design/shutterstock

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