How 3 Beauty Brands Accentuate their Offerings with Tutorials [VIDEO]
Beauty brands are taking advantage of the branded content revolution.
Customers buying beauty products need to know how to use them, and articles, pictures, and videos can help. This is where branded beauty content comes in.
Here are ways that three top beauty brands spark interest in their products using interesting and useful content.
Procter and Gamble’s Olay and Pantene
In August 2011, P&G began sponsoring DailyBuzz Style, a site dedicated to fashion, healthy living, and beauty. It showcases Olay and Pantene, which the company owns, within its content.
The beauty portion of DailyBuzz Style is updated with new content every day, and features posts on makeup tips and trends, advice on hair styling, and how-tos on applying nail polish. For the visual learners, the site also includes videos.
DailyBuzz, produced curated by Federated Media, links to other beauty blogs, such as,,,, and within the Style section.
The site also curates content from outside blogs on its “Beautify Top 9 Collections.” DailyBuzz, like any solid beauty website, is no stranger to high quality images, and fully integrates them into all of its work.
For the past three years, L’Oréal has been focusing its efforts on the digital space to increase sales of their products, according to AdAge’s Jack Neff.
The company manages multiple YouTube channels, like L’Oréal Paris France, which has over 20 million hits, and L’Oréal Paris USA, which has garnered a respectable two million cumulative hits.
According to Neff, L’Oréal has produced beauty sites in collaboration with Demand Media. In 2009, the brand acquired, run by Federated Media, which contains content on trends, makeup, hair, and skin, along with videos.
The site showcases ads from L’Oréal and the beauty entities it owns next to the posts. Just like a magazine, the articles are situated next to ads to purchase the products.
Tarte Cosmetics
Tarte may not be as well known as L’Oréal or P&G, but its stellar branded content puts it on the same level as its two competitors. includes a whole slew of Tarte Tutorials, short videos on applying making to the eyes, lips, and cheeks. The brand frequently updates its blog with articles about the latest fashion trends, celebrities, and styling tips.
In addition to the content it creates, Tarte is also a huge curator of content on Pinterest.
Sloane Berrent of Lippe Taylor says Tarte “takes creative liberties with boards inspired by colors, inspirational quotes, travel and other themes not directly related to their cosmetic products. … [It] emphasizes brand personality, with boards including ‘meet the Tarte team’ and ‘Maureen’s Favorite Things’ — a pinboard of the CEO’s favorite products, TV shows, foods, etc.”
Beauty companies and content creation go hand in hand. Considering that beauty products are highly conducive to visualization online, the transition from traditional advertising to producing content only seems logical.
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