Aspects of a Solid Company Website

Websites are at the core of a business, especially when more people than ever are turning to the Internet for research.

A website has to have a purpose, and goals for it need to be established. Otherwise, it’s just taking up space online.

“By establishing a specific purpose and goal, you make it easier to measure performance and clearer to know how to move forward,” writes Business 2 Community’s Shanna Mallon.

There are a variety of ways in which a website can be used for marketing purposes. It can be relied upon by consumers and web users for trustworthy information, and by colleagues as an informative resource.

Mallon suggests blogging to position a company as a thought leader or authoritative voice on a subject.

Websites are also helpful in promoting brand awareness and getting the name out there on search engines.

“It’s crucial that the website match other company materials in terms of style and tone, and it’s also important that the name and logo be front and center,” says Mallon.

Lead generation is a huge asset to companies with websites. Once a visitor is on a site, something needs to grab his or her attention. Sites could add a social login to get customers involved, buttons for Twitter and Facebook, as well as email subscriptions, or special discounts for first-time visitors.

It may seem overwhelming, but once companies set up goals and figure out ways to measure if they’re being met, they will feel a sense of achievement and know the true purpose of their websites.

Image courtesy of Victor Correia/shutterstock


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