Content Marketing
Video Marketing on the Rise
Video is the new star of the content marketing industry, which is pouring an increasing amount of money and energy into capitalizing on the visual and narrative attributes of the medium.
In 2011, $40.2 billion was used to make and distribute content marketing in North America, according to ContentWise and the Custom Content Council. Fifty-two percent of these companies reported using video in their content marketing strategy. Just two years ago, that number was only at 37%. Fifty-four percent of marketers said that in 2013, they would be investing more in video.
Marketers should both produce their own videos and encourage users to contribute their footage by placing reminders on advertising materials and requesting testimonials, according to Site Sketch 101‘s Sean Rosensteel.
You Tube, with 3 billion videos viewed daily, is a great place for marketers to place company videos. By tuning into the comments section, making a customized page, and writing a description with SEO-rich keywords, the videos will stand out, says Mashable’s Michael Jaindl.
Since the internet is a largely text-heavy platform, content that is visual will be more recognizable. Interesting brand videos will perform better than a good blog post any day, industry experts said.
Image courtesy of jordeangjelovik/shutterstock
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