
Twitter’s Discover Tab Taps Into Content Sharing

Twitter has updated its Discover tab, making it easier for people to find content that they’re looking for.

The Discover tab will now prioritize content by taking into consideration “additional personalization signals to surface stories and tweets that are popular among the people you follow — and the people they follow,” writes HubSpot Blog‘s Pamela Vaughan.

The social media site is using a “graph processing library” that identifies a user’s connections, ranks the connection, uses that information to search for URLs that have been shared by the connections, and lists the most popular items in the Discover tab.

The new Discover tab design also gives people the option to tweet, retweet, favorite, or reply to tweets about stories.

Satya Patel, Twitter’s vice president, said that Discover will help a user “understand why each story matters to you and make it easier to join the conversation.”

With Twitter increasingly spotlighting content, Vaughn writes that it’s crucial for marketers to include sharing links on any stories they create.

“Putting your content out there and making it easy for others to do so will make it more likely that it will pop up in content discovery engines like Twitter’s Discover tab for your target audience, especially if it’s getting shared by likeminded people!,” she writes.

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