NASCAR Redesign, NY Observer’s New Editor, Socially Optimized Microcontent

The Strategist picks the day’s most relevant and interesting stories about the world of content from around the web. Here’s what you should be reading today:

NASCAR Focuses on Fans in Site Redesign

NASCAR unveiled its new website last week “to provide a better experience for the more than seven million unique monthly visitors who use the site each month,” according to ClickZ.

Now on the site, which looks more like a social media platform, visitors can pin, tweet, and share content to social sites. Content includes a section for the drivers, along with videos of race track tours.

New York Observer’s New Editor

On Friday, Ken Kurson, an author and editor, was named editor in chief of The Observer and editorial director of the Observe Media Group reports the New York Times.

Owned by New York real estate developer Jared Kushner, the paper has gone through different editors, monetary losses, and faced stiff competition from New York Magazine and city-centric websites.

Of his publication, Kushner said, ““If you take a conventional approach in the media business, you are going to get slaughtered. It’s true that I’ve broken some eggs along the way, but in the process I’ve preserved an important editorial voice, not just in New York but in the rest of the country.”

This Year’s Key Phrase: Socially Optimized Microcontent

In 2013, marketers need to produce socially optimized microcontent, according to AdPulp.

This year, it’s been predicted by digital agency Deep Focus that social platforms are going to be the primary digital device on which to reach consumers. In addition, newsfeeds will be breeding grounds for branded content, native advertising will excel while display ads will be banished, and engagement will be seen as a critical marketing metric.
Hulu CEO Leaving Company

The Wall Street Journal reports that Hulu LLC Chief Executive Jason Kilar is going to be leaving the website in the first quarter.

The departure, which was rumored to happen for some time, comes after Kilar requested $200 million from investors into the company. That has not yet been fulfilled. The new leader will either come from one of the Hulu holders at Disney, Comcast, or News Corp, or from an outside place.
Australia’s Branded Content Special

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), created an hour-long branded content special about meat, starring lamb’s brand ambassador, Sam Kekovich.

The special, called “The Australia Showdown — You Can Never Be Too Australian,” won the 2013 Australia Day  campaign, which, according to AdNews, is “the most coveted cross-platform deal of the year.”

Making the Most Out of Content on Social Channels

Steven Van Belleghem of Content Marketing Institute writes about capitalizing on content on social media websites.

He says that social content approaches need to be integrated so that consumers can go from channel A to B: “So here, companies should focus on creating a ‘content-conversion’ plan, where you outline every touch point where a (potential) customer can come into contact with your content.”

Companies can build audiences by holding contests, creating a rhythm for the release of content, and advertising campaigns and content on social sites. An editorial calendar, posting creative content, and engaging with consumers are all going to increase the chances of persuasion and conversion.

Freelancing that Lasts

CopyBlogger’s Marcia Hoeck writes about how freelance writers can keep clients interested in their work. 

They can be superheroes for clients in a variety of ways: Writers can come in at the last minute before deadline and swoop in on a story, help out on a story without being asked, or give advice to clients for projects when they lack knowledge. They can also advise clients if they don’t know what to do and end up proving how valuable they are to them.


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