Non-Profits on Facebook, Advertising Webs, Content Conversions

The Strategist picks the day’s most interesting stories for the content aficionados who love the backstory and reading between the lines. Here are the gems you need to kickstart your Thursday.

How Non-Profits Can Use Facebook: Grooming Tips from ‘Movember’ (Social Times)
Running a campaign? Supporting a cause? Social media is an invaluable tool for engaging your audience and inspiring action.

Every non-profit should look for creative ways to add a social dimension to their campaigns. The KPIs to watch? Participation rates and donation amounts.

Who’s Grabbing Consumer Data from Publishers? (Ad Age)
Ever wonder what’s happening behind the scenes on the websites you’re visiting? The short answer to that question is – a heck of a lot.

Evidon has put together a tool that illustrates the deep tag relationships on some of the world’s biggest retail and publisher websites. Prepare yourself for complete and total awe.

Creating Engaging Content: 3 Calls to Action that Get Conversions (Content Marketing Institute)
Your calls to action (CTAs) are invaluable tools for connecting your content strategy with sales conversions.

No matter how much time you invest in your content creation efforts through blog posts and whitepapers – if you’re not implementing the right CTAs, your strategy will likely fall flat.

Nielsen: Chatter on Twitter about TV Shows Is Strongly Correlated with Ratings (TNW)
It’s what we all suspected –- two separate media worlds have finally converged to influence television’s most valuable KPI (ratings).

Beyond entertainment, this story shouts a powerful message to marketers across industries – it’s in your brand’s best interest to get consumers talking. Keep in mind that correlation is not causation, but when you get customers talking, the learning potential is infinite.


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