Content Marketing

Ikea’s Klippbok, Tumblr Analytics, Aflac’s Social Media Discoveries

The Strategist picks the day’s most relevant and interesting stories about the world of content from around the web. Here’s what you should be reading today:

Ikea Introduces New iPad App

Ikea’s Klippbok, a new iPad app, “allows users to experiment with different room settings by digitally rearranging IKEA furniture,” according to B&T.

The National Marketing Manager of IKEA Australia says that the app gives customers “the confidence to try new things and have a go.”

Tumblr Charging for Analytics Data

According to Mashable, Tumblr is charging a starting rate of $500 per month for analytics.

“At that price, customers can create five user accounts to track one topic and 10 blogs,” writes Lauren Indvik. “A $999-a-month plan enables tracking of up to 10 topics and 20 blogs.”

Aflac’s Social Media Discoveries

According to the New York Times, it took this year’s Aflac charity drive for the company to figure out what works in the realm of social media.

The company features the cancer patient who designed the Aflac stuffed duck (proceeds are donated to cancer hospitals) and included mommy bloggers in the campaign.

Media Panel Discusses Branded Content

Campaign’s Stuart Derrick reports on a meeting between industry professionals at The Soho Hotel and what they had to say about branded content.

A key lesson: Amic Lock of LiquidThread says, “You might have brand information, but the way to deliver it has to be engaging. It’s a multi-layered experience communicating functional elements and making it interactive to bring it to life. It has to work on a rational and emotional level. If you don’t trigger something emotionally, the rational side doesn’t break through.”

Spending this Holiday Season

ClickZ and comScore report that so far, more than $16 billion has been spent on the web during the 2012 holiday season. 

Spending is up 17 percent from last year. Cyber Monday wasn’t even one of the top 10 spending days of the season, according to the study.

Writing Tips from CopyBlogger

CopyBlogger’s Robert Peters discusses how to get inspiration for writing projects and content creation.

He says that writers, like author Roald Dahl, need to always be taking notes and observing what’s around them. They should create a special writing place, whether it’s an office or a kitchen table, and establish a routine.

Above all, writers have to do the work and not “fall into the trap of analysis paralysis. Reading lots of articles about publishing online, listening to podcasts, watching videos … these are all great for developing your knowledge. But none of it will help you achieve your goals if you don’t do the work.”

Content Wants to Be Shareable

Forbes’ Susan Gunelius says that if content is going to be successful, it must be shareable.

She writes, “shareworthy content must be useful, meaningful, and relevant to your audience. If your content doesn’t interest them and deliver value to them, they won’t want to share it across the social web on their websites, blogs, Twitter profiles, Facebook Profiles and Pages, LinkedIn Profiles and Pages, and so on.”

Shareworthy content is about the audience and their wants and needs.

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