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Fox Asks Fans to Design Movie Poster for ‘Ruby Sparks’ Campaign

On its Tumblr, Fox Searchlight is leading an open call for poster designs for its new film, “Ruby Sparks.” So far, the company has received more than 40 submissions by graphic artists.

Fox gave artists interested in entering the contest three possible photos to use in their submissions, according to Mashable’s Allegra Tepper.

The five posters are on display on Make Ruby Real. Those with the with the most notes will get a limited printing run with the potential to be displayed in theaters, she writes.

The use of crowdsourcing for promotion purposes has worked for brands like Coca-Cola and Victoria’s Secret.

Along with getting people riled up about a brand, crowdsourcing saves companies money. In order to do it right, Mashable’s Aliza Sherman says that a brand must pick the platform on which to run the contest. Tumblr, a highly visual site, works well with the “Ruby Sparks” campaign for this reason.

Even though crowdsourcing design contests is controversial because some say it promotes cheap labor, it is beneficial to the designer as well. It’s good exposure — even though “Ruby Sparks” hasn’t picked a winner yet, all of the posters are still being showcased. And the winner’s work could be seen in theaters around the country.

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